Note: This assignment/project is part of a academic course and is not intended to be copied or

For this exercise, I have choosen Jurassic Park - The Exhaustive Dinosaur Dataset.
I am focusing on attributes like height, species, countrywise distribution and respective diet.
Each plot has a information section on side of it which gives furthur details. Scroll Down!

Use above selection box to see correlation between different attributes.
The given graph shows the correlation between how many dinosaur species had harbivourous/carnivorous diet and gap in between their height of those individual group.

In the given visualization, the size of each circle represents the count of dinosaur which had either harbivourous or carnivorous diet.
Hover over each circle for extra details.
The center of each circle lies with average height of the particular group of dinosaur.

For each key in selected attribute, the given graph is connecting these harbivourous and carnivorous circles by a sinlge line which represent the average height between the harbivourous/carnivorous group for that key.

Section 3 - Now , lets checkout the rings of dinosaur's
Play Animation

This graph represents, the distribution of each species over different country.
Given visualization will categories dinosaur species into 5 groups like sauropod, large theropod, small theropod, euornithopod and armoured dinosaur.

Each circle arc represents the number of species of particular group.

Each country has its own ring, which will help in understanding the distribution of each species over all these contries.

This will help in comparing global and local distribution of each species.

To get to know more about species count in particular country, hover over the dinosaur next to each rings.

Information section